Friday, January 14, 2011

Cleaners stink.

A while ago, I did a review on Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner and their little toilet cleaner stick-on things.  I wasn't overly impressed with either one, but thought that the little toilet stick-on things made my bathroom smell "clean" thus making it feel more clean.  A blogger friend had commented that they call them alien tur*ds or something like that and that they smelled horrible.

Today, I would say the same.

I had commented to a neighbor that I've been using natural cleaners, but they don't seem to be doing a good job on the soap scum in my bathroom.  I've been tossing around the idea of using Murphy's Oil soap in a diluted solution to see if that works.  It is 98% natural, so I thought it wouldn't be that bad.  He had an Arm & Hammer Essentials All Purpose Cleaner.  I noticed that it wasn't "natural" and that it did list that it had plant based cleaning properties to it.  I was willing to give it a try.

Now I did and now I can say that:
1.  It stinks.  Literally.  It smells so bad. 
2.  It is bright green.  A seriously green green and I have to admit that I don't think "environmental" and "plant-based" when I see that color of neon glowing green.  I've never seen a cleaner more brilliantly colored in all my life.  They didn't say "environmental," but the plant-based gives that suggestion.  Yes, I did know that it was a chemical.
3.  It took a lot to do anything and finally when it did something, it didn't do much. 

Well, the stink has finally left the bathroom.  (No, we aren't talking a natural occurring stink or the broccoli from last night.)  I think that I can finally re-enter.  Thank goodness that I had a meeting to attend.  I had a headache anyhow and the cleaner didn't help.

While in the LRC awaiting the beginning of the building meeting, the school nurse went around and started wiping the tables with disposable bleach wipes.  A year ago, I would have thought it smelled delightful.  Now, all I could smell was chemical and it was horrible.  It didn't help the headache at all.

See what all these months of using baking soda, vinegar and washing soda have done to me?  I can't stand the smell.  I did have Mrs. Meyer's in my hand the other day, but I was concerned about the chemicals in it, too. 

Any ideas of something natural that will help me to remove soap scum from my bathroom?  The vinegar just isn't kicking it. 

Smiles in my day:
-  I think that the school secretary now understands that I'm doing what other people told me to do and not just as I pleased.  We worked out a lovely place for me to do 100 book challenge book distribution and a time that is good for everyone.  I really want to do what works for the school and certainly don't want people to think that I'm plowing over them.  Sadly, when our secretarial assistant retired, a lot of the way 100 BC ran was through her.  We're working it all out and it will be on track soon.
-  A homemade pot pie in the oven.  Yum.
-  The new secretarial assistant knows me and caught me to say, "Did you get my message about the speech IEP meeting being canceled?"  Hee!  Hee!  She's only been there a week and a half and she's already got me down!  ;)  Mrs. S-, K-'s teacher, caught me as I was taking her for the building meeting and said, "It's not for the IEP meeting, is it?"  "Nope, I know it was canceled and need to go to the building meeting."  She just wanted to make certain that I knew!  A school of 520+ kids and yet, there are people who are still willing to track you down and make certain that you know.  That's a good thing.
-  They've decided to re-district our school system (argh) and now we are ever more thankful that I pushed for the school to be made larger.  We'll stand to earn a minimum of 30 children from re-districting alone. 
-  Homemade lasagna leftovers for lunch.  Yum. 
-  Soft flannel sheets. 
-  The syndrome of the week appears to be subsiding, but giving me a monster headache on the way out.  I can medicate and caffeinate the headache. 
-  The snow plow made a trip down the road today.  That is a miracle alone.  It did, however, plow the driveways on the street shut.  Some wonderful neighbor went up and down the street and used their snow blower to clear out the ends of every driveway on our block.  How absolutely wonderful!  Now I don't have to baja into our driveway and I don't need to shovel it before Hubs gets home! 

Off to check on the pot pie and get some dishes handled before Hubs arrives home.  Have a wonderful night!


ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

It isn't natural, but last time I used Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It worked! I may have to buy a new one once a month, but it's a small price to pay for something that worked.
I love my natural cleaners. But you are correct. In some instances they don't clean as well. BUT J's asthma is more under control since I went natural and less chemical. I can deal with the crud if my child can breath better.

Bailey's Leaf said...

What other cleaners do you use?

Rach said...

I too have found the Magic Eraser to work.

I also make a solution of castille soup, Broax and baking soda to make a scrubby paste that also does a fairly decent job.

I can't think of the last time I used a chemical based cleaner on my house. Hm.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I use Method, Seventh Generation, Mrs. Meyers. I make my own too. I have book called
Haley's cleaning hints. I saw it on PBS several years ago (M was a baby) and it has all these "how to make your own cleaners" and they work. Most are made with common household items like baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, etc. I heart that book.
Rach's solution of castille soap, borax and baking soda is in that book somewhere. He's big on Borax.