Monday, October 27, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway Time!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

I have to tell you that there have been occasions that I was a Bloggy Giveaway entrant junkie. Y'all have given away so much cool stuff! I figured that since I'm new at this blog thing, I'd dip my toes into the bloggy waters by giving y'all some goodies too.

Do you want to know what they are? SCHOOL SUPPLIES! Lots of them, actually! Let's face it, school supplies don't expire. You always need them, even at the weirdest of times. Buying school supplies in the middle of the year is the pits and these could be stocking stuffers if you are in the need! Let me tell you what will be included:
1- 24 box of crayons
5- Pocket folders
1- 10 pk markers
1- Pencil sharpener
1- Pkg colored pencils
1- Pencil case
2- 10 pks pens (1 black and 1 blue)
1- 1" binder
1- Spiral notebook
1- Red pen
2- Pks of pencils (1 pkg yellow/1 pkg sparkly)
1- Pkg glue sticks
1- Bottle of liquid Elmer's white school glue
1- Pkg pencil cap erasers
1- Pair of scissors
1- Pkg of highlighters
1- Pkg of mechanical pencils
1- Denim tote bag from Eeboo (I love their stuff!)

So how is it that I have amassed so many BRAND NEW school supplies? Well, I'm a school supply junkie. When the school year is about to begin, stores like Office Max and Staples will offer promotional school supplies at no cost or for 1 cent each. If I'm within a mile of the store, I'll stop in and stock up. The smell of a new box of crayons is rather intoxicating! Weird, I know. Chalk it up to the category of "Oh, she's an artist." Everyone else does.

So, this brings me to the bloggy public (and those of you who aren't bloggers are welcome to enter!) Only one entry, please. If you aren't a blogger, please make certain that you put your e-mail address in your entry so that I can contact you. If there is no way to contact you, I will have to dump your entry. United States, only. Sorry. Since it will be going via UPS, a valid physical street address will need to be provided. I'll contact you by e-mail to get your mailing information. The prize pack will be going out early on in the week and should be in your hands by the end of the week. Just don't forget to look in your e-mail to see if you have won! If you don't respond, I'll be forced to choose someone else and I hate the thought of that.

Now for the entry portion. I'm going to require you to do something other than "enter me" or "sign me up." That requires no work and here at Bailey's Leaf, we like a little effort. So, if you want to be entered, read my post from 10/26 about my list of 35 things. Which of the 35 things do you find particularly weird, do you do, or you would like to hear more about? That's it! The giveaway will end on Friday, October 31 at 6:00 PM. Since we will be handing candy out to all the children in the neighborhood and of the greater city area, we will be drawing via ye ole random number generator either the evening of 10/31 or the morning of 11/1. It depends upon how much of a sugar buzz that I'm flying from.

Thank you again for coming to visit my new blog. I hope that you'll consider returning! Hopefully, I'll win one of those fancy new layouts that people are always giving away and I'll look all spiffy and new shortly! :) Good luck, all! There are generally over 1000 chances to win, so get clickin' on Bloggy Giveaways!

Now if I can only figure out that permalink thing . . .

This giveaway is officially closed.

Thank you for entering!


Unknown said...

You don't drink coffee? Oh my I can't wake up without it!! I have 4 boys...I need to be as awake as I can to keep up with the 2 youngest (twin 3 year olds).

lacie37 said...

7. I eat one thing on my plate at a time.

My ds does this. He says ,mom im not picky,i just dont want them to touch. LOL!


Catie said...

24. I like to do Mork from Ork fingers.

this deserves video enactment for those of us that missed the whole mork and mindy era! PLEASE???


Anonymous said...

I eat one thing at a time too and it used to drive my dad absolutely crazy!!
dsmoore1 @

Anonymous said...

I thought it was interesting that you turned 35 in August. I turned 34 in August. Thanks for the giveaway!

Liz in the Mist said...

"My husband says that I can go into a store that I've never been in before, an invisible antennae pops out of my head, twirls around and directs me straight to the clearance rack."

I found this odd, but I want this antennae as well!!!

Love this giveaway--I am going to Africa to teach in a homeschool co-op for missionaries children so I would take these with me!

Kimberly said...

Well, my hubby is like you. He HATES coffee but LOVES the smell. He also sets up the coffee pot for me each night. He knows just the right amount of water and coffee to use. Whenever I make it it's either too strong or too weak. He always sets it up "just right".

We're deathly afraid of tornados too!!!! My husband was offered a job transfer to headquarters in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and the reason we told them no is TORNADOS!!! They made it seem like it wasn't so bad. HA!!! NO WAY!!!!! They are cool to look at but not when they are tossing your house around in the air! LOL!!!

I have two kids in school and school supplies are ALWAYS welcome and appreciated in my home. Thanks for the great giveaway!

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Gina said...

30. It bugs the heck out of me when people talk loudly on the cell phones in public.

OMG I so agree, and my husband is the one that is too loud in public on his phone, I always yell at him for it and tell him to TONE IT DOWN, no one wants to hear him, and when your on the other end it's like he's yelling in your ear anyways.. ugh men!

Lisa said...

"I hate to have my eyelashes wet."

Never heard of that one. :) My hubby is a school teacher so these would go to very good use!

Anonymous said...

I don't drink coffee, I like the smell, but not the taste.
Mork from Ork fingers?? hee hee hee
kvicker at hotmail dot com

rebecca said...

my hubby eats one thing at a time and it drives me crazy!!

i too have titanium holding my leg together, but i have a rod in my tibia and screws in my knee and ankle... also from skiing.

gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

22. I use an electric blanket to heat up my sheets even in the summer.

I would burn up.

I only eat one thing at a time, too and hang up our clothes as much as possible.

hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

Jill said...

A couple of things caught my eye..

First of all, Gotta have Coffee! LOL.

Secondly, I hate to have my eyelashes wet..seems a bit strange to me! LOL.

Bebemiqui said...

I can't believe you only take baths!

shaunjoy said...

You use an electric blanket even in the summer?? I hardly use any blankets even in the winter! :)

PS said...

22. I use an electric blanket to heat up my sheets even in the summer. WHAT I LOVE cold sheets in the summer!
Your hair sounds like mine, and your knee sounds like my husbands!

majellamom said...

I also have a long torsoed 4 year old to whom I am trying to teach modesty...but since my hubby loves to wear oversized clothes, she doesn't think anything of having larger than necessary shoulders!

I also eat foods one at a time...I also eat square foods in squares and round foods in circles and seperate my m & ms by color.

Great giveaway!

Judy said...

That whole part about honing in on the clearance rack - are you a red-tag addict at Target, too? I aim to get nothing but red-tagged stuff from the Circle Store when I'm is a total addiction!!!

Stacy said...

I used to eat one thing at a time and then my grandpa made me "eat in a circle".


punkinmama said...

So many things in common: I love jeans, I hate my eyelashes being wet, and I love dark chocolate!

cgogis at yahoo dot com

altermyworld said...

i love coffee, you don't WOW come to canada there is a coffee shop called Tim Hortons on every corners.

Anonymous said...

You use an electric blanket to warm up your sheets in the SUMMER? Ugh, I'm overheated just thinking about it!

Thanks for the contest, though, we homeschool and can always use more school supplies.

chappyandalexa [at] earthlink [dot] net

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with (13) I love getting clothes at thrift stores and yard sales. I usually try to pick up clothes for my son and daughter. I found one yard sale that had clothes from limited too for my daughter. I think the girl who owned them never even wore them.

michelle said...

Well, I must say that I was hard-pressed to find something on your list that I would consider weird, since I was surprised at how many things we actually had in common...I don't drink coffee, I still haven't gotten my licence (I'm 41!), I love jeans, I have my birthday on Sept. 22, right around the "sign" change,and I have also been known to shop for Christmas the upcoming year on December 26th.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

AudreyO said...

I would love to learn to can. I've never done that. I'm such a big city girl

Anonymous said...

I NEVER let my food touch. I can eat more than one thing at a time, but I mixing! Oh, and I've never thought the smell of coffee was quite good enough to warrant me trying it.

Alyce said...

I thought it was funny that you use an electric blanket to heat your sheets even in the summer. I don't do that, but my husband teases me because I'm sensitive to temperature change. So in the fall it can be 73 in the house and I'm thinking the heater needs to be turned up.

akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Michelle said...

I had to laugh at number 21, because my hair is naturally curly, and I am in a state of constant frizz. And #31, about the turn signals, I hate that, too. I have decided that people think in my town that they are 100% optional. I liked #9, I wish I had that ability!

malleycc said...

The electric blanket in the summer. Well maybe if you live in Alaska but here in FL it is hot most of the year so NO heat here.

Ellie Wright said...

Let's see I don't drink coffee, I eat one thing at a time ( and I don't like my food to touch ), and I only take baths. I hate showers!
Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I think its awesome that you start your christmas shopping so early. i bet you find great deals that way. i would love to hear more about how you do it.

Anonymous said...

I suffer from a "weird frizz" too
I agreed with some of your stuff like the turn signal
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Audra said...

Nose biting? Sounds scary. My husband would totaly agree with you on #7. When we first got married all I knew how to cook was casseroles which he couldn't stand because everything was mixed!

Thanks so much for the AWE-some Give-oh-Way!

frugallm said...

OH my Gosh! my first car was a camaro!!! We called it the devil car though because I got in so many accidents with it! I loved it though and wish i still had it.

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Becky said...

I'm 35 also, was born the very end of July and am a TRUE LEO...

sweetsue said...

We have several things in common (none of them weird) I love birkenstocks and jeans and where them all year. I live for thrift store shopping-almost everything I own comes from a thrift store, I also love the old Atari-Astroids is my favorite!We could be twins!

smchester at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I don't drink coffee either. I naver liked the taste of it.

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

#10 - I wish I could start Christmas shopping that early, but somehow I never manage to get it all together.

#13 - I love me some thrift store shopping!

#19 - I love the storm chaser-type shows, but if I were ever anywhere near a real tornado, I'd probably faint dead away.

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I only eat one thing at a time, too. I was in heaven in grade school when they gave you those divided trays in the cafeteria...

Anonymous said...

YOu didn't get your driver's license until you started college? Why not?

Richelle said...

I love the Clearance Rack beacon. I wish I had one!

Alicia said...

17. I hate to have my eyelashes wet.

I hate to have my face wet, I could never narrow it down quite so much.

Thanks for the giveaway! >^..^<

Ginny said...

I was almost a month late myself. I was due on the 23rd of Jan & born the 19th of Feb. I don't drink coffee either but love the smell :)

LivingforGod said...

#13, #32 I also like thrift stores and dark chocolate.

peony paperie said...

So you line dry your clothes?! Does that really save money? I mean...I'm sure it're not running your dryer, but is it worth giving up the convenience? I'd like to hear more about it. I applaud you for your patience!

michelleharrod at hotmail dot com

Betsy said...

8. I don't drink coffee. Love the smell, though

That is weird to me! Being a coffee addict I think everyone should love coffee! You just haven't had a good cup made for you!

Cadmar said...

TOTALLY AGREE: 31. It drives me crazy when people can't use turn signals. They weren't considered optional when the vehicle was made and shouldn't be considered optional for use.
dcadmar at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

I didn't find anything that was particularly weird! LOL My husband also eats things on his plate one at a time :) He usually eats his veggies first, then rice or potatoes, then the meat. I also turned 35 in Aug.

I think you've left a comment or two on my blog before "Bailey's Leaf" sounds familiar! Nice to see you've started a blog!

Anonymous said...

So you like to sing in your church choir..... We are looking for someone to sing when we get the new Guitar Hero World Tour. Are you game?

njcybyk at att dot net

Heidi said...

#7, my husband is the same way and now some of our kids are starting to eat like that. One item at a time. So that wasn't weird, but it made me smile.

And we homeschool and have five kids so school supplies are constantly in demand around here. :)

Thanks for the chance to win! I'm hthaden at gmail dot com.

Staci A said...

I love, love thrift stores too (books for 50 cents, yay!), and the turn signal thing drives me crazy!

This is such a great collection, thanks for the giveaway!

Lisa Garner said...

We have several things in common. I don't mix my food and eat them one at a time, I don't drink coffee, I only take baths not showers, love thrift stores and I can drive a stick. For everything else, yup you are just weird! LOL! But so am I!
lisalmg (at) ktis (dot) net

Ashlee said...

That's funny! I do the same thing: I do NOT mix my food either! It drives me nuts when my food touches! I one thing to the next!! I like that you call it a flavor mixer, I'll have to tell my husband that!! hheee hee!

danandmarsh said...

I don't drink coffee. Love the smell, though.
I love to garden too!!!

jenny said...

i need my coffee if i dont have it i'm not all that happy and please enter me in to your giveaway i love to win this thanks

the schros said...

you should share more about your glass blowing adventures

Tammy said...

Okay I'm even stranger than you - not only do I start shopping for Christmas gifts December 26th for the next year - I often buy for future years as well! My nephew is only going to be 2 this Christmas and I have gifts for him for the next two after that as well!!

Meg said...

So, you hate to have your eyelashes wet? Do you hate showers and swimming? crazy! thanks for the fun list!

Cherie J said...

I had to laugh at this one " I eat one thing on my plate at a time. All the potatoes, all the meat, all the other whatever stuff. I'm not a mixer flavorer." because I am the same way.


CaseyDeuce said...

17- Not liking your eyelashes wet. The rest of it seems pretty normal to me, or maybe I'm just weird too.

Molly C. said...

I found a few things we have in common- Christmas shopping EARLY & thrift stores. I love to pick up stuff all year long, and I work in my fave thrift store so it is quite easy to find good things.

Lori said...

I'd like to know a bit about your lazy eye. My hubby's boss has one, and he's so nice and really a friend to our family but I'm not sure how best to meet his gaze. How about you, do you ever get people asking you stuff like this? Do people ever ask you what it's from? I'd love to know!


A Christian Mom said...

I love your list! I didn't find anything weird, but I can't take baths. The thought of soaking in my own filth, kinda grosses me out! lol

HilLesha O'Nan said...

#13 - I thought I was the only one that loves thrift stores!

lilacbutterfly [at]

Kristan said...

hmm...the nose thing is weird!

CanCan said...

I think it is exceedingly awesome that your first car cost $50!
And what car did the lottery winner buy?

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

Estelle said...

#31 on your list would be in the top 5 on my list. Seriously, does it take THAT much effort to lift your finger up to turn on your turning signal? The sad thing is I've caught my husband not using his turning signal a few times. As if he doesn't hear me complain enough about other people not doing it. Geesh.

Suzie Williams said...

13. I love the thrift store. Where else can you leave with a full wardrobe of clothes for 15.00 or less?

I love the thrift store for this same exact reason!!

Lisa said...

#8 on your list is the same as I. I love the smell of coffee, as it reminds me of my first real job and the smell of the break room. But I can not stand to drink hot drinks.


mork from ork fingers eh? show us?

Nikki said...

#8. "I don't drink coffee. Love the smell, though."

Same here! My mom makes fun of me for always picking 'Hot Chocolate' instead of coffee when we go out for "a coffee". lol

My hair also naturally waves and frizzes - thus my nickname 'sunshine'.

Marie said...

#7 I eat one thing on my plate at a time

I've found a surprising number of people who do this including myself and my daughter :-)

Anonymous said...

#8-You dont drink coffee?I love coffee&drink it almost daily!!

Anonymous said...

I like what you said about not drinking coffee but loving to smell it -- that is so true for many people, several in our family! Thanks for the giveaway!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

An electric blanket in the summer? GET OUT! I can't even bear one in the winter months!

Becca Ann said...

I have alot of things on your list too... but 32. I love dark chocolate. YUM!



Lalycairn said...

Ha! Loved the comment about the clearance rack. Me too. And I love jeans, have too much curl in my hair to do anything with it, but not enough to make it look good. I differ though on the remake of The Choclate Factory. Loved them both, but I think I like the new one better - Johny Depp is perfect for that part. I also love to bake, love to garden (medicinal herbs!)love dark chocolate (why bother with anything else) and am signing up for your feed. (after all! We have a lot in common) ;)

Lalycairn (at)

Tyna said...

Number 31 - turn signals. I am soooo with you, sister!!!

noreen said...

32. I love dark chocolate,
I know it is good but milk chocolate is so much better :)
I like you made the list on my bady and now I am only a year younger than you

Jenna said...

It sounds like we have a lot in common! Many of your 35 things I could identify with... I also start shopping for Christmas Dec. 26 (there are so many good sales that day)!

Carol said...

Great prize!

I would love to too!


Lisa said...

Thrit store shopping, clearence racks, no coffee, we have so much in common.

Alaina said...

It totally bothers me when people don't use turn signals! I even have to remind family members to use them... :)

alainamj AT yahoo DOT com

Greywolf73 said...

My husband does the eating one thing at a time thing too. It drives me nuts because I just don't understand it! He can't stand to have any of his food touch yet he'll eat soup. Wha?

Anonymous said...

8. I don't drink coffee. Love the smell, though...........This is me also...Love to walk into a shop/store with fresh brewed coffee. Great smell. semtaylor(at)

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking the other night how nice it would be to warm my sheets with an electric blanket before crawling in. :) I also love dark chocolate and have been known to make the Mork sign before. :)

Fun giveaway. :)


Stacy said...

I agree with you on the coffee. I don't drink it either but love the way it smells. And I'm scared of tornadoes too!

Marilyn B said...

What fun! My first car was a 86 Chevy Iroc Camaro Z28 and I still have it :)

I turned 35 in June

I also have one of those antennaes or as my husband would say I can sniff out clearance a mile away

I also used to shop thrift stores until I figured out how to buy name brand new clothing even cheaper than the thrift store :)

Thank you for the great giveaway!
Yummy Things & Cupcake Dreams

ahiltz said...

What? You don't drink coffee? I HAVE to have it every morning before I do anything! I am so not a morning person and coffee is my wake me up staple everyday! Bad, I know! Thanks so much for doing this for us!

Anonymous said...

I dont't think it's weird at all not to drick coffee. I like my caffine cold and fizzy.


Ren said...

My hubby likes to eat one thing at a time too! I, on the other hand, get bored with food easily and definitely have to mix up my bites.

Reva Skie said...

I was a late bloomer diving wise as well, I got my license at 18.

Susan said...

It's interestin that you hate to have your eyelashes wet. I've never noticed but next time mine are wet I bet it will bug me!! (:

ancient one said...

12. I love jeans.

My favorite thing to wear... yep, old as I am.... please enter me in your drawing.. thanks!

Jodi said...


I do the same thing, and I thought that I was the only one that used my electric blanket that way, but my coworker and I were talking one day, and she does it too... hmmm


Katie said...

Well I don't drink coffee either and I always say if it taste as good as it smells I would drink it but it doesn't.

katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Anonymous said...

I think this one is weird:
22. I use an electric blanket to heat up my sheets even in the summer

since I love to sleep in cold sheets and would leave a window open all winter if my husband would let me :)

also, anyone who doesn't drink coffee just ain't right. ;o)

Smellyann said...

#8 I don't drink coffee, either. It kind of makes me feel like not a grown-up. I'm glad I'm not the onlly one! :D

Michele P. said...

I can fess up to a few things, first off at 42 I have never tried coffee ever-but I love hot chocolate... and I hate plates that mix everything together too, like when you go to a buffet, I put everything apart in its own space and eat them one at a time-I get really upset when the frozen dinners are cooked and they have a piece of corn in the pudding etc... so I usually try to fish them outta there before cooking them... enjoyed reading your post!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Amber said...

I don't drink coffee either, but I love the smell. I've often said that it smells so much better than it tastes.

Anonymous said...

I love #34, but we share #35!

About the daughter and modesty thing, have you tried buying tank tops in her size, cutting off the top, and having her wear the bottom half under her overshirt, around the waist? I do this with shirts that are too short for me, and it just looks layered.

fancyfeet48 said...

I love thrift stores too I can save alot of money shoping there

Anonymous said...

The first thing that struck me on your list was #7! I'm just the oppostie. I mix my fodd all together hehe


Unknown said...

I don't find anything actually weird in your list but I find quite a few things fascinating
number 6 -wow! you got a car for fifty bucks! and second wow!!!! the guy won the lottery! i've never known anyone that has won the lottery that's pretty cool
number 10--OH MY GOODNESS!!! YOU ARE A GENIUS! that is the best idea I have ever heard I need to start doing that thank you so much!!
26---I completely agree and I love the original so much! The remake is ehh love Johnny Depp and Tim Burton but ...the original is sooo awesome!! There are so many more I can talk about but that would take forever haha
30-hmm then you wouldn't want to be near me when I talk on my phone I tend to unconsciously raise my voice sorry :)

lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot]com

Anonymous said...

I can't get past the one that says you can't stand for your eyelashes to be wet. What's up with that and where did that all come from?

kamewh said...

What a great list!!!

I am 100% with you on this one:
" It bugs the heck out of me when people talk loudly on the cell phones in public."
- ME TOO!!

Thank you for the giveaway!

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

holly K said...

We have SOOOO many things in common! The shirts on my daughter!! She has gotten used to wearing them a little big. She can't stand it when the bottom goes up when she put her hands in the air! She also pulls her shirts down constantly and has even made holes from doing so! I like the smell but don't drink coffee, too. Cell phones?? I don't even have one! cookiecutter72 at hotmail dot com

Lisa said...

I'm the opposite - love to mash food together LOL

Pam's Pride said...

No coffee here either!! Blech!! I will not even kiss my DH when he is drinking coffee!!

Mia J. said...

My daughter is also not a food mixer. It is always one thing at a time. I also love the thrift and consignment stores. It is always fun to find a real bargain.

Thanks for the great giveaway.

Stephanie said...

My hair has natural curl. Depending on the day, it'll behave. Mostly, I suffer from a weird frizz -- me too! can relate.

tvollowitz at aol dot com

Elaine said...

Wow. where to start. I love coffee. You are really missing out...
I hate wet eyelashes though. I went to college in Northern WI and often ended up with FROZEN eyelashes. That was weird.
Love jeans. Mix my food.
Who doesn't love Mork and his wicked cool hand gesture?!

Cindy said...

Ok, the electric blanket even in the summer is way weird! Last night I was trying to figure out a way to keep sheets cool and if that would require some kind of freon. Love me some cool sheets! Great giveaway!

msrodeobrat said...

24. I like to do Mork from Ork fingers.

i would like to hear more about this

Unknown said...

What a fun giveaway! And thanks for the list...yes, yes, yes, yes, yes: **turn signals ( why bother to put them on after you start turning??) **Xmas shop...all year long; **natural curly hair, except when I want it; **thrift shops, get there early, several days a week! **And I drive a stick shift, my Grandpa taught me to drive and insisted I learn on one!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

#7, the no flavor mixing...I do it too! And I don't like coffee either :)

Anonymous said...

I can absolutely relate to #10! I started Christmas shopping (for this year) just after Christmas last year! There are some awesome buys! As long as you can remember where you put them. lol!

I also wanted to comment on #35. I think it's awesome that you are able to tell your daughter when you excepted Christ. What a great role model you are! :)

Fiddle D. Dee said...

I would love to be able to start Christmas shopping that early!! Atari??? Why!! I had one of those as a child too!! Thanks for the chance to check out your blog!

Sassy_Canuk said...

Heyyyyy I am a leo/ virgo cusp too! Technically a Leo but more a virgo in personality. and I don't believe in the whole astrology thing either LOL

Anonymous said...

#7 reminded me of first dates with my husband. He would eat one thing at a time. I never saw anyone do that before. Then I met his parents and realized they did the same thing. I guess not so weird.


Tickle Me Pink said...

An electric blanket, even in the summer?? You like it warm lol

Angie(quillysilly) said...

7. I eat one thing on my plate at a time.

I do this too! Drives my hubbie crazy,but I figure I get the true taste of it that way!


Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I laughed at this one:
9. My husband says that I can go into a store that I've never been in before, an invisible antennae pops out of my head, twirls around and directs me straight to the clearance rack.

My husband thinks the same thing about me! Thanks for the giveaway!
itsahumanzoo at gmail dot com
P.S. I’m giving away a subscription to Parents Magazine on my blog, so if you or someone you know might be interested, stop on by! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow are you me? your list sounds eerily like mine would! The only thing.... eyelashes wet? Not sure about that. How do you wash your face without getting them wet?

daniwilliams30 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

30. It bugs the heck out of me when people talk loudly on the cell phones in public.

OMG! So do I! I dont mind you one the phone but just not so loud.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Becky said...

I do this:

7. I eat one thing on my plate at a time. All the potatoes, all the meat, all the other whatever stuff. I'm not a mixer flavorer.

I hate going to those cafeteria style places and they slop your food onto the plate. UGH On the rare occasion that I do go I make them put the veggies in seperate bowls so nothing is touching.

Your list had me laughing because I can relate to several! Thanks for the great giveaway and for the laughs.

Anonymous said...

I do #10, christmas shop for the next year the day after christmas! If you can wait till after the first of the year (tho some of the sales are too good to pass up) there are even BETTER discounts! That's not weird at all!

thatwemightfly AT gmail DOT com

tatertot374 said...

Thank you for having this. I would love to win.
I have to have my eyelashes wet - dont think i have ever noticed this on myself..will pay attention to what it feels like after my shower.
Thank you!

Angie said...

I a with you on number #9! I can sniff a clearance rack about a mile! I seem to be drawn to those little orange stickers....and I love thrift stores! And, I have naturally curly hair..and I only line dry..I vould go on..we have way too much in common!

Anonymous said...

Oh you are so weird. It's okay though; I usually only like weird people myself. Maybe that's because I'm weird. Nyah.
You eat all the food one at a time? I yell at my hubby for doing that. It is just plain wrong. The wrong way to eat food.
The proper way is a bite, a drink, a different food bite, a drink and so forth. Just so you know sweetie..

Anonymous said...

I don't drink coffee either. In fact I've never even tasted it. But I love the smell of it as I walk through the breakfast aisle at the store.

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I eat one thing at a time to, apparently it's pretty annoying to some people, my mom called it eating in the rounds.


Donna said...

I heat my sheets too! Love my electric blankie...but if I go to sleep with him on...he wakes me back up -too hot! ;-)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would love to learn more about canning. I bake but know nothing of canning.
Please enter me in your contest.

smdrm said...

#8 You don't drink coffee but love the smell. Me too - love the smell of coffee brewing in the morning, but can't stand the taste!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Uniquely Yours said...

OMG I couldn't live without my license however I did let it lapse a year and had to retake my written and driving test after having my license for nearyly twenty years. lol God Bless!


Crystal F said...

29. I'm trying to teach our 4 year old daughter modesty. She is very long waisted and shirts want to do the Britney Spears on her. I just don't find that appropriate, so her shirts are often a wee big in the shoulders to accommodate for the extra torso length.

I have the exact same problem with my 4 yr. old and 8 yr. old. My husband is 6' 1" and wears a 30 in. inseam so he has a very long torso and my girls took after him. I had to buy my 4 yr. old some little cami tees to wear under all of her winter shirts because they gap in the front due to them being too big.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

jennem said...

7. I eat one thing on my plate at a time. All the potatoes, all the meat, all the other whatever stuff. I'm not a mixer flavorer.

Me too! Since I was a little kid. My parents always got crazy about it, but I still do it 37 years later!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Too funny about using the heating blanket in the summer! I love cool sheets when it's hot. You should talk more about why you got your driver's license when you went to college.

Anonymous said...

My husband says that I can go into a store that I've never been in before, an invisible antennae pops out of my head, twirls around and directs me straight to the clearance rack."

i want one of these where can I find one cheap as possible? lol

butler1939 said...

#16 - I never thought about shaving that way before - but you have a great point.

Candie L said...

It is rare for me to meet another non-coffee drinker.

Anonymous said...

I find this particularly weird:
(1) I'm the Christmas merchandise girl at work. I set 6 Christmas trees of a variety of themes and decorate upwards to 9 ceilings. I generally have 3 weeks to do this, at 3 days of work per week.
(2) I hate to have my eyelashes wet.
(3) I use an electric blanket to heat up my sheets even in the summer. (Where do you live?)
(4) While skiing, I blew my ACL and now have titanium and teflon holding my knee together.

Things I do also:
(1) I turned 35 in August. ( my Mom’s Birthday is Aug. 28 & our Anniv. Is Aug 7)
(2)When I was born, I was a month late. (We swear our 16yr was a month late. He didn’t have any of that `body hair` babies are born with. He actually smiled while still in the hospital, and he weighed 12lbs. 2.5oz. OUCH!)
(3)The back of my left eye is flat. (Lazy eye.) (I once had an eye Dr. tell me I have a lazy eye and I had to do `Lots` of eye exercises.)
(4)I eat one thing on my plate at a time. All the potatoes, all the meat, all the other whatever stuff. I'm not a mixer flavorer. (I hardly ever mix my food. I do like to eat mashed potatoes & green peas together.)
(5)I don't drink coffee. Love the smell, though. (I was cured of that years ago, when I drank my first cup after adding sugar & cream. Oh, I could barely stomach it. Some varieties do smell- delish, tho)
(6) My hair has natural curl. Depending on the day, it'll behave. Mostly, I suffer from a weird frizz. ( My ma always kept my hair short. As I got older I tried to grow it long. I never really found a style I liked. It’s now short & salt/Pepper. My hair has a lot of curl. But, our 15yr has kinky curly hair, like my fav. Aunt. He usually keeps it cut to his head. But, when it does grow out, I love feeling it & `bouncing it` because it feels different than regular hair)
(7) I love the old, original Atari. All the other play systems are for the birds. Pitfall isn't Pitfall unless you are running a blocky guy over blocky alligators and blocky swamps to the blocky prize.(I would love to bounce the ping-pong ball on the t.v. screen, again. The only later things I like are `Tetris` and PacMan`. Our kids don’t know what `Fun` is)
(8) It drives me crazy when people can't use turn signals. They weren't considered optional when the vehicle was made and shouldn't be considered optional for use.
(I agree, esp. since the law says if I hit the car in the rear I’m at fault)

I would like to hear more about:
(1) My husband says that I can go into a store that I've never been in before, an invisible antennae pops out of my head, twirls around and directs me straight to the clearance rack.
(2) I start Christmas shopping on December 26, the year previous to that the gifts are due.
(3) I love Birkenstocks. They are granola, but way comfy.
(4) I love the thrift store. Where else can you leave with a full wardrobe of clothes for 15.00 or less?
(5)I can drive stick shift. Hubs taught me when we were dating.
(6) I like to do Mork from Ork fingers. (Ok, I used to do the `Fonz` But, what is Mork from Ork fingers. I remember Mork from Ork, but not the fingers.)
(7) I majored in printmaking in college and while at the university, I took 2 years of glassblowing and neon.

moma3homeschool (at) gmail (dot) com

Amity said...

I can not imagine NOT drinking is my weakness..yum!!

I think it is weird about not having your eyelashes wet...hehe.


Re said...

lol im the same way..i dont drink it either but i do like the aroma :)

Great giveaway! I just love blog hopping!

I hope i'm the lucky winner :)

Shane H. said...

#7 is weird, but I know two other people who do the same thing... my brother and my sister-in-law.

Theresa N. said...

#24.. what does this mean? Or does everyone get it but me? Thanks :)
Theresa N

Erika said...

#22 is weird! I love my sheets to be freezing cold in the summer but I live in the desert. Maybe you live somewhere that is cold all the time... but still weird to me.

mommyjen99 said...

Don't touch my nose
that is too funny

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear more about your bargain hunting, I'm always looking for good tips!

Jenn said...

7. I eat one thing on my plate at a time. All the potatoes, all the meat, all the other whatever stuff. I'm not a mixer flavorer.

Haha, my husband does this and I just realized his father and grandfather do too! I'm a big mix everything together and eat it!

Sarahviz said...

#11 and #31 - same for me!

Jinxy and Me said...

I don't drink coffee either! Actually, about once a year I try it to see if I still don't like it and every time I HATE it. Thanks for the giveaway!