I sent an e-mail yesterday afternoon to my local La-Z-Boy showroom to let them know that I hadn't heard from the very service manager that was to call me not only yesterday, but December 23. Here is my e-mail:
From: Amy
Sent: Fri 1/2/2009 5:22 PM
To: C-, La-Z-Boy
Subject: Re: Sofa
Hi C-,
It is Friday, January 2, 2009 at 5:15 PM. I've heard nothing. As of Monday, January 5, I will have had this damaged couch in my home for 1 month. Please help me to get this flipped with a new couch of the same style and color. If you would like to pass this e-mail on to the owner, I would much appreciate it.
My - - - are livid. I am in disbelief myself. I kind of feel like the ball has been dropped. A big ball in the form of a damaged couch in the middle of my livingroom. I have been kind. I have been understanding. However, I do admit that my kindness and understanding are running a hair thin. (Yes, I realize that it isn't your fault.)
Please help me to resolve this situation in a more timely manner. I feel like my other avenue has been exhausted.
Thank you!
Their response back was this:
Hello Amy,
I was out yesterday and just received your email message. I faxed a copy of your sales order to our service department again and requested that they call you to schedule a service call. I don't believe that a flip will be happening and so at this point why don't we just let service repair your piece like new. You can reach me or our Store Manager.
Can I tell you how much my blood pressure went up at that moment?
So I e-mailed the following:
This is not acceptable. I WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING A REPAIRED COUCH. Dye lots vary and I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT. My - - - paid almost a - - - - dollars for this. This is completely unacceptable and if this is not resolved immediately, I will be contacting the Better Business Bureau. Please direct me to the owner only.
Can you tell that I was, oh-- a bit irked to say the least? Then I called the store. I was doing deep breathing exercises. I talked to the sales person who admittedly knew that I would not be pleased. I ended up talking to the store manager after I threatened to come up there. He admits that he does not know why it has been such a problem to trade my couch out for an undamaged one, but that I have to go through the hoops to the right people. Apparently, I can't get in direct touch with the owner of the store until I exhaust EVERYONE AT LA-Z-BOY. Believe me, I'm working on it. I think that they'll have my face posted at the time clock, like I'm certain the fine people at Kay Jewelers do. (Oh, a different story for a different time.)
By the way, I've kept the maker, cost and all of that quiet up until now. Here is the e-mail that I sent off to them after I spoke to the store and left a very long message for the district manager.
C-and T-
I have just left a rather exhaustive message for J-on his voice mail giving him a brief of this past month happenings. I will follow this avenue, as per your request, hoping that we get the couch replaced with a new, undamaged twin as soon as possible.
Please understand our displeasure. Please understand our not accepting a second quality couch for a first quality price. Again, the damaged corner is not the only point that is a problem. We have a dye problem along the whole top of the couch that seems to be forgotten in the whole translation of damage. This was brought to the attention of the delivery people. The option given to my husband and me was that we take the couch, service comes out and takes care of the problem. Taking it back to the truck for an immediate replacement was not mentioned in the slightest. By our taking this couch into our home, we were not accepting it, just merely biding our time while we waited for our new exchange. So please, don't be confused by that. Your delivery people did not give us that option. Had they given us the "toss it on the truck for immediate replacement" option, we certainly would have taken it.
Please know that our only option of resolution is a couch replacement with the same style and color. Any offer of repair will be rejected by both us and my - - - , who were so gracious to purchase this for us as a gift. If this is something not in the power of any of you to handle, please feed me through the La-Z-Boy mill to the person who can make this happen. I hope that whoever this is passed along to, that they can actually contact me back. Oh, that has been a true delight in this whole process as well.
Again, if you purchased merchandise from a store that was flawed, you would simply take it and exchange it. Because this is something large and involving shipment, we shouldn't be forced to settle. We shouldn't be forced to settle because this has been in our home for a month and we have been trying to return it for replacement the entire time. I called the store as soon as the delivery men left. Please know that we have been nothing but kind and understanding during this whole process, but I admit now our kindness and understanding have about worn out. This process has been exhausting and incredibly time consuming at a time of year that should have been celebratory and family oriented.
I look forward to an immediate resolution with your company.
Thank you,
So to La-Z-Boy of Northeast Ohio--
P.S. No, Jesus isn't smiling that I just told them that they suck. Believe me, I could say worse. And, I'm proud that my husband actually thought to ask if I had let my blog people know!