Sunday, June 5, 2016

Zillow and The Lumineers: Did Zillow listen to the lyrics?

I'll say from the very beginning that I love The Lumineers.  M bought me Cleopatra, the special splatter version, the day before it was actually on sale.  I would see them if they came anywhere remotely within reason.  Love them.

I was surprised when I was toodling around the bedroom, folding clothes and the Zillow commercial came on.  A familiar tune came on.  I love the song Sick In The Head, but I also know that I have to pull it from my iTunes selections to play at work.  You see, they drop the f word.

As the song plays along and as people are considering purchasing houses, the words go through my mind:

People say I'm no good
Write me off, oh yes they should
F%$# 'em they're just sick in the head

They're writing my history
Think somebody should've asked me
Everyone was safe in their beds
Their beds

And I said

I won't live, won't live like them
Everyone, they're all seeing red

I don't know
If it's alright with you, but I'll be gone
A ghost will be here in my stead, my stead

And I said

I can't live life underneath it all
Everyone is older now and gone

I will not be here forever dear
So let's just make this count a lot in here

People say I'm no good

Just wondered.  Zillow, did you consider the viewers that may know the lyrics?