Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm almost too tired to write.

12 hours.

Two downpours.  One was torrential.

Peeking sunshine, requiring sunscreen.

4 hours in bleachers.  8 hours standing near a chain link fence.

Many photos.

Amazed that my normally impatient child actually held up surprisingly well.

We were extras (super secret flick) and now we can officially add "movie" to our resume.  Since we stayed the WHOLE day, our names will appear in the ending credits.

If you'll excuse me now, I'm ready to collapse.

Smiles in my weekend:
-  Lots.  I'll share a very heart-happy moment tomorrow. 

Have a great day!


Michelle said...

How exciting! sounds like a long, but fun day!

Rach said...

I'm tired reading it. I'm happy you and K have this memory. :o)

Sissy said...

You had me at "super secret flick" and now I desperately want to know! LOL. Glad you had fun.