Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sweetest Day and a new collection.

For those of you not in the Land of American Greetings, today is Sweetest Day.  What the heck is that?  In my house, it is Swedish Day (just because) and we recognize it as a "5 buck holiday."  When checking over the credit card statement, I noticed that Hubs had an illegal purchase from the resale CD store that he frequents enough to be a coworker. (No lie.  They have a perpetual hold pile for him because they see him so often and know what he likes.)

I texted him a photo of the statement with the word, "BUSTED."

"How could I be BUSTED if I was purchasing something for someone special for a day that I always forget and get in trouble for forgetting?  Did you remember someone special?"

"Please hold."

Dang.  Sweetest Day.  I rushed to the computer and typed in "Sweetest Day 2013."  October 19th.  Whew.

"Nope. I'm good.  It's not until the 19th."  :wipes of the forehead because I would have never heard the end of it:

After school on Thursday, K and I tripped on over to the CD resale store to purchase the beloved gift card for Hubs.  Not only did Hubs get a gift BEFORE Sweetest Day, but he broke the 5 buck rule.

When I was barely awake this morning, a plastic bag wrapped gift slid my way with a library post-it note greeting, "Happy Swedish Day!"  I did what any other wife would in that state.  "If you go to get me my purse, I'll give you what I have.  It's wrapped and everything!"

I handed him the gift card, thoughtfully wrapped in the register receipt.  "$10?!"

"You spent $10!  How could I spend $5 when you spent $10 on the CD you bought me?"

What did he get for me?  Rush Vapor Trails.  He said that every other CD was $2.50, except for the one I wanted.  What can I say?  I have good taste!

Since he watched Indiana Jones and the Tower of Doom for the first time with K last night, he decided to gift her what every little girl her age wants-- Monkey Man and Indiana Jones with the flapping whip.  Of course, she loves them and has a new collection to go with her Star Wars and GI Joe figures.

I told Hubs that when she marries and has full collections of Star Wars, Indiana Jones and GI Joe, her husband will be happy.  We should carry on the tradition.  After all, the Star Wars cardboard cut-outs were at my wedding reception.  Why not hook her up with the same thing?  He has approximately 15 years to work it out.  He should be able to find them by then!


ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Ah Sweetest Day. We said "Happy Sweetest Day" and that was it.
I really thought it was a greeting card holiday but my checker at Marc's enlightened me that it really is a true holiday and had nothing to do with greeting cards or flowers.

History of Sweetest Day:

I like the original version of Sweetest Day better than what it has morphed into today :)

Heidi said...

I have my own collection of Indiana jones figs as well as star wars and pro wrestlers. Hubs isnt too impressed. K's future beau will have to like them as well, or they get cast to the attic with all his old boxing magazines and sport trophies. ;)