Sunday, June 2, 2013

A little bit 'o luck.

When we were on an evening walk a few weeks ago, K stopped and immediately said, "Oh look!  There's a four leaf clover!"  She immediately found another.  I stepped over and found one myself.

It is now that I say that I have looked and looked since early childhood and it wasn't until this moment that I found one ever.

She gave one to the neighbor as a birthday gift and we pressed the other two in her bible.  We forgot all about it until they fell out this morning.

We're thrilled to have them.  I know that it is a weird thing, but it is sort of a life long hunt fulfilled.  :)

1 comment:

Rach said...

I'm so happy for you! No, really, no snark, I really am! :o)

I have an uncanny ability to find four leaf (and five and six!) clovers. I just look down and there they are. I think it's because my mom was trying to get me out of the house one day in the midst of late July and told me she'd give me a quarter for every four leaf clover I found. I think she wound up having to pay me something like five dollars...;o)