Sunday, December 23, 2012


Rachael recently asked me about someone on my prayer list.  "I read that, you know."  Updating the prayer list had slipped my mind.  I have updated it today.  There are some pretty chewy things on there that need our prayerful help.

We have Sandy Hook.  That goes probably without saying, but I've heard that people have been taking Christmas decorations down.  I don't know that people are boycotting Christmas, but their hearts are hurting so bad.  We need to continue to lift this community and the affected families in prayer because Christmas isn't about gift giving.  It is about hope.  So much would I love to grab them all up and just hug them.  Say nothing.  Just listen and hug these poor people with every ounce of energy that I have.

We have families with health issues and no money.

A family that has dropped off the radar and though we haven't heard that anything is wrong, my heart tells me that there is something not right.

We have families who have lost and are looking to lose.

We have family members who will hopefully get past the issues that they are having and come together in love.

So many prayers.  So many needs.  If you have one that you would like to add to the list, please contact me to let me know.

Oh, and don't think that I mind getting the poke to update.  I sort of fell off the wagon when the computer crashed.  I promise.  I'll be better.


Sissy said...

I was thinking about Newtown today and hoping that they can find a way to celebrate even amongst all the pain of the shooting. I'm praying that the Lord will show himself in a miraculous way to all the families and the town.

Rach said...

Glad you updated, girlie! I was wondering...;o)