Friday, April 8, 2011

And just when I thought that people couldn't surprise me.

On Thursdays and Fridays, when the weather permits, I allow K- to play on the playground until the bell rings.  (About 15 minutes.)  When we went over, she couldn't find anyone she knew to play with.  While she was busy trying to recruit, I noticed that there were some moms standing in the tot lot.  Out comes Mr. D-, our janitor, with a garbage pail, long hazmat gloves, a dust pan and small broom.  It was at that time that K- ran over to tell me what was going on. 

"A kid pooped on the playground."


I caught bits and pieces here and there, but was finally told the full story by Mr. D-.  A mom with her child came to pick up a kid from school.  Mom was busy on the phone and the 4 year old decided to drop trou in front of her, lower the boom and deposit a pile in the mulch area of the tot lot.  Oh, it gets better.  Apparently, the mom never got off the phone.  She didn't correct the child.  She did nothing to clean up the mess.  What made her mad?  Said pile dropper stepped in it. 

She went, picked up the child needing to be retrieved and left.  She left the pile behind full well knowing that it was a sunny day and that the kids would definitely be playing on the playground after school. 

Stuff happens.  Don't get me wrong.  Kids make bad decisions.  Got it.  Mom should have done something to "secure the area" until she could get Mr. D- to come help to deal with it.  No, instead they did a drop and run.

That is so many different levels of gross and wrong, I can't even comprehend them all right now.  That is completely beside the germaphobia that I suffer from.

Needless to say, we left the playground early.

Smiles in my day:
-  That we have a fearless janitor who has had to not only deal with a pile of kid poop in the playground, but also had to bury one of our 3rd grade class room's dead chickie doodle.  (It is a 3rd grade project in our school to raise chicks, then to send them off to the farm.  I don't know the details, but I did see the chicks.  So cute!)
-  We found a mom and pop sporting goods store and I scored K- a pair of soccer shoes.  I didn't want to go to Dic*k's Sporting Goods and now I don't have to!  Hooray! (ETA: Did I read the post before I hit publish?  Probably not because the sentence above was a bit too scary.  I've since corrected.  Geeze!  Multi-tasking is not necessarily the way to go!)

Have a great day!


Michelle said...

oh my! That is disgusting! I can't believe she didn't get off the phone when the kid's intent was obvious ... or get the janitor! Yuck!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I'M SPEECHLESS......... :(