Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm not feeling terribly constructive.

I read a post about adoption being not God's first choice for a child. It got me fired up. I commented. I started a post. I decided that I should wait until next week to post it. Believe it or not, I try not to offend on this here blog. I think I need to look at the post with fresh eyes before I hit 'publish.' Still . . .

K- is currently begging me to take the paint off of her thumb. She is very tired tonight and being a pill. The paint will remain.

She hurt my feelings today. Perhaps it is because I stared at a sign for 3 1/2 hours before I got to her, painting away to try to get it done. There is a field trip tomorrow and K- told me that she asked her teacher about not going with me. (She wants to go with her teacher because Mrs. H- is super cool and I know this.) When I asked K- why, she said, "Because sometimes you can be a little bossy." "Yes, well, I'm the mom. That's my job." Still, ouch. She also said that Mrs. H- is having kids go with chaperones other than their parents. Huh? I'm thinking she may have misunderstood. Mrs. H- knows that she loves me. I just feel like the delivery truck will be backing up to drop my "Mother of the Year" award off anytime now. Oh joy.

Right now she is crying and crying and perhaps blowing snot rockets from her nose.

Calgon take me away.


Rach said...

Eek on the "adoption not God's first choice" thing. Really? Someone really wrote that? Good grief.

As for K, yeah, they can really hit you in the heart. The "I HATE you"s don't bother me because those are expected. It's the unexpected--"I like Daddy better than you, he's more fun than you are." Or, "You sure do have a fat tummy, Mommy!" and such. They are kids, they are self-absorbed--as they are supposed to be at this age--but it doesn't stop the hurt, does it?

HUGS, Mama. This is the hardest job I know.

Bailey's Leaf said...

We survived the zoo. I also figured out what the hub-bub was all about. She thought that with me going, only her and I would walk around the zoo. She wanted to be with friends. When the teacher was giving assignments for children this morning, I said, "Oh look! I do have K-!" She said, "Yes, no offense but she wanted to go with someone else." In front of the other parents, I explained that she is without TV until mid week this next week and she has been on the naughty list. "Ah," said Mrs. H-, "then you haven't been one of her favorite people, huh?" "Uh, no." And yes, all of the parents in line completely understood.

Great time to be had by all. Thankfully, though the biter decided that he was coming with us (his mother was confirmed to come and then was a no-show in the end, leaving 3 children without an escort), but in the end Mrs. H- gave him to someone else. I told her later that I was happy, as my heart hadn't gotten over the happenings of this week yet.

Three of us moms banded together and kept our little herd together. The kids were great and we all worked together well.

And yes. That kind of stuff cuts straight to the bone. I knew the Hannah story from what you had said before. My friend and I were talking about our little ones with some yucky bits to say this week and I told her that I knew that you had said that happened to you. I know it happens to everyone, but it hurt worse than if someone came up and pounced on me one.

We've let it go. We've had a good day. Now sleep. That would be good!

Rach said...

I'm so glad things worked out. Yay! :o)