Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Thursday Report

I sit at the end of the day tired. No wonder. It was kind of a big day. It started out with K- having school this morning. We got her up and out the door. I skipped the car line so that I could take her Valentines treats in. They liquored the children up with a ton of sugar and gave them back.

While K- was at school, I ran by Walmart (I know, I just told you the other day that I'm not a fan and I'm not) so that I could pick up the new Pet Pals Leapster game for K- with her Valentines money from Grandma and Grandpa. I picked up some cookies for Grandma and my mom, a package of Whoppers for my dad and some fruit for my aunt. I spun by The Exchange, my husband's version of Bath and Body Works, to pick a gift certificate up for him. I drove by the Dollar Tree to get a balloon for Grandma because at 91, she really loves nothing else but sugary cookies and the balloon to go with. I had enough time to fly by home, drop off the packages that I got, scoop up the library books and shuttle onward to get K-.

That's when I got a very sugared K- from school.

We flew by the book drop, avoiding going into the library due to the high levels of sugar running through K-'s system. We drove by to see Grandma and Aunt Donna and forgot that Grandma had her Thursday morning Bible Study. We hung out, Grandma came back up. Everyone was happy.

K- and I came home, I started to clean the house but got all distracted by writing a Valentine's post to the Hubs. I got cleaning some more, cruised over to my parents house for "Valentines Tea" and a good bowl of soup. My dad decided to borrow my truck then came back to tell me that I had speakers blown. Hmmm. He told me that he had adjusted my stereo for me. (A big pet peeve.) When I got in, I re-adjusted my stereo, then called my dad from the driveway to tell him that I didn't have blown speakers, but that he had turned the sound all to the right and he turned the ASL on. I don't know what ASL stands for, but I'm guessing Automatic Sound Lightening, because that is what it does. You hit the brakes, the music gets softer. I understand that it is a safety feature, but when we first got the truck, I insisted that my Rusted Root CD was trashed. I told my dad that if he wants to run to the gas station in my truck again to KEEP HIS FINGERS OFF THE STEREO SETTINGS. Please. All he could do was laugh.

I came home, managed to finish cleaning the house (except for that stack on the kitchen table that appears to be multiplying faster than the stomach flu through a preschool) all the while Hubs was following me, being the peanut gallery. I threatened to beat him with the mop if he didn't step away. K- took him downstairs to play with Polly Pockets. She saw my need. That, and I called her to intervene. He said that he was teasing, but I'm tired. I'm cleaning and cleaning is not my number one favorite thing to do. I clean different than he does. If it drives him crazy, step away. You live in a clean house. Step off, dear love of my life.

Oh, I'm tired because of the freakin' howling winds last night. To say that I didn't sleep that well is an understatement. We had 150 MPH jet winds high up (according to Dick Goddard), so as they weren't ground level, they were very loud. What we did have were wind gusts upwards to 60 MPH, but we did have fairly decent sustained winds. I think that I was the only one who didn't really sleep. K- reported a good nights sleep. Hubs didn't complain. I ended up sleeping on the couch, as Hubs had the chills and I didn't want them. (He was busy fighting something off.) He's better now.

It brings me to now. I did have a discovery this morning after my night on the couch. I learned that eating with the Lipitor and not sleeping under an electric blanket helped with my not feeling jittery/dizzy this morning. I only had a slight bit of the jitters this AM. It was brief. While the jitters and dizziness that I had were not bad, I still had them and didn't like having them. Let's hope that I've figured their trigger out.

With that, a toasty bed awaits me.


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