Monday, January 26, 2009

Bloggy Giveaways Carnival: Hair Bow Organizer

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

Hey! Welcome to Bailey's Leaf! We'll be giving away a handcrafted hair bow organizer that I made. I call them Bow B's. I'm planning on getting an Etsy store going, but I'm on hold for finalization of CPSIA guidelines so that I know what I can and cannot do.

In the meantime, I have this for you:

I've made the board and bows. I'll be including saw tooth hangers so that you can either hang the board up with those on a wall, in a cabinet or on a door. You could always do what I did with K-'s. I hung it up with a push pin. Klassy, I know. Hey, it works!

So here are the rules:
1. Please leave a comment at the end of this post. Throw me a bone. Pull up a post and give a comment HERE about it. I don't care which one. I don't care how old it is. Just know that if your comment is "Enter me" or something to that affect, it will be deleted. A little effort is all we ask!

Please note: I've had to play deletion police and tossed several entries. If your entry was deleted, it was because you didn't leave a previous post comment. Please try again. I would love to keep you in the drawing!

AND FOR THE LOVE OF PETE and Pete's brother Pete (a statement of frustration in our home), PLEASE! leave contact info. I've had to ditch entries that were anonymous with no way to contact. I'm lovin' the love, but would love to contact you if you would actually win!

2. This giveaway will close on Friday at 8 PM. Any comments received after that will be loved, but won't count as an entry.
3. US only. Sorry. We do love y'all in all the other countries, though!
4. The winner will be notified on Friday night and your prize should be going out sometime next week via UPS. A valid street address is needed, please. No PO Boxes.
5. Don't forget to go to Bloggy Giveways and check out all the other giveways. Love on the other bloggers. They're giving away cool stuff, too! But, don't forget to get to know a few people that you may not know.
6. Please no debate on CPSIA regulations. Let's all make this fun and not stress about that right now.




SewsCute said...

Works for Me Wensdays. I think that is a great idea. We just moved and I couldn't believe all the stuff that I can get rid of. I love the sock drawer. I didn't think anyone had more socks then I do.....but you win! I would love to win this give away. I make hairbows for my girls but I never have anywere to put them.

Laurel said...

I really enjoyed your 100 things post! I could say a lot of them about me, too, but this one especially made me say UH HUH! "32. I hate the feeling of nail polish on my fingernails. I like to paint my toenails, though."

GERBEN said...

Oh that is cool! Bloggy Giveaways you say? Hmmm, I have never heard of it before. But I think I'll have to check it out. Only, I don't think I'm crafty enough to make anything. Not anything that anyone would want any way. LOL, oh and I loved the 100 things about me for your 100th post. Very cool.

Unknown said...

Very cute bow organizer! I read your post on "Vacation Revalations" your list was funny and the pictures were pretty, looks like a nice place to camp. Thanks for entering me.
unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com

ariyana9501 said...

I just want to say thanks for adopting. I am a birth mother, and am so grateful for people like you. *hugs*

Our Love Story said...

Ditto on no milk! How can you not eat berries!? :-) I need this bow organizer!!! 18 mo with bows falling out of drawers!

Mrs. Sprinkles said...

Beautiful organizer. This probably isn't the best post to comment on, but I'm sorry for your loss--I was reading your adoption posts and saw the first post in the series. We're going down the adoption road, too.

Come enter my Target GC giveaway!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Congrats on your 100th post!!! Your daughter is adorable! Be sure to check out the giveaway on my blog too, I bet she would love it!

These bow organizers are great! I wish I were so creative.

fancyfeet48 said...

Congrats on your 100th post I love the bow organizers

Michelle said...

what a cute bow organizer (and I love the color!) I really liked your post on the laundry stains...since I have so much trouble getting/keeping Kayla's clothes clean/stain free (I bookmarked that post for your suggestions! LOL)

Anonymous said...

I found your post about saying goodbye to the little gym. It's sad but it's also a good thing that she's progressed beyond that point. But, man oh man, they grow up quickly!

okaat said...

I enjoyed reading your 100 things for 100 posts. Very cool you competed for Fair Queen and won. I get annoyed by my cuticles too.

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

Little Gym sounds like a lot of fun, I wonder if they have something like that here. It sounds like it was really good for you and your daughter!


Anonymous said...

I never gave a thought to whether eating snow is gross or not. I agree - I bet it totally depends on location. In the mountains far from cities and stuff would probably have the cleanest snow. :)

Thanks for the fun giveaway. :)


Kelly said...

In keeping with the hair accessories - I like the jar idea for headbands! We're JUST getting into hair stuff here - DD has a ton of bows (I NEED a bow organizer, that's great!) and a few headbands and elastics, but it's going to get out of control soon; she's definitely into the "pretty" stuff.

Momtothreebabies said...

My little guy has no immune system and he gets viral pnuemonia alot, it is soo scary, this post really made me realize im not the only one!!
as for the hairbow organizer i totally hope you open an etsy shop!! it is GORGEOUS!!!!!
i have two little girls and lots of fun hairbows!!!!
check out my blog! im giving away bath and body works goodies!

rlgrady said...

I loved your Cake Wrecks. Too cute!



Jennifer said...

Wow! I would love to have one of these! I can never keep up with my two little girls bows! I read your post titled Tales from the Trenches: Thankless Children! I so have a couple of those out of my four too! I've gotten so embarassed when at birthday parties or Christmas and they receive gifts that they do not like, because the words just seem to fly out of their mouths before I can stop them!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I went ahead and left you a comment on your A Not So Thrift Trip... and I'll comment here too. I guess I'm not the only one with the bad luck streak! I swear, Murphy's Law follows me (and DH) every where. At least your DH was super understanding!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Sniff. As a mom who had one baby in a high risk pregnancy and then adopted a second... your birth/adoption posts had me teary.

Tammy said...

Please wish your husband a Happy (late) Birthday!

kristina e said...

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Eating Snow: Is it Safe? Is the post I read... It's actually very funny to me because my roommate loves snow icecream and didnt take it quite well that he shouldnt be eating it.

Cami said...

I loved the post, "A Task Accomplished: A Walk Down Baby/Toddler Clothing Lane" and would have loved being a recipient of part of Mt. St. Goodwill. I have been able to borrow clothes from people as well as share some of my baby's clothes with others. It's a good feeling! Oh, and as far as the hair bow organizer, I sell hair bows and am DYING to have something like this! My current stash is getting ridiculous.

Suzanne said...

I love the purple and hope you get your store up soon

valerie2350 said...

left a comment on your happy birthday honey post - the hair bow organizer is cute!

Erika Powell said...

I loved your letter to your daughter on the inauguration. I am so lucky to have witnessed history and even though she didn't really get it i watched it with my four-year-old sister. someday i will actually explain it to her.

p.s. i am very impressed by the organization of your sock drawer. I will NEVER document my disastrous drawer and post it on the internet

noreen said...

the thankless child was a good post to read

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bow organizer! In regards to your Amish post, I have a sister who also frequents and buys a lot of products from Amish stores. She lives in the country where a lot of her neighbors are Amish. I'd frequent them but there's none nearby. I enjoy when my sister brings me goodies from the Amish store.
-Terra H.

Lady Christie said...

Eating Snow: Is it Safe?
My kids are teens and preteens now and still eat snow. I tell them not to just as I tell them not to try to catch raindrops in their mouth. They say the snow is "fresh" and not dirty, they seem to forget that it is dirty coming down all together. But it does gross me out.


Unknown said...

It's a Hair Chilly Up Here:
Wow this makes me thankful for where I live. I complain because it gets cold here, but never THAT COLD! Now today when I go outside into the snow and ice I will also have something to be greatful for. Thanks.

Ginny said...

I loved your post

I am so jealous of your sock drawer :)

Jill Watkins said...

Great post about deals for Christmas!

Michele P. said...

I really liked the pics of your sock drawer. I have been wanting to organize my socks and other stuff for awhile now and this has given me a great idea. During layoff I will go to the auctions with a friend and get a nice piece of furniture, spruce it up a bit, and make my own sock drawer! Thanks for inspiring me! Also, I agree hitting a curb can suck big time. I did it twice myself, and blew out both tires and one time even damaged the rim. It is amazing how quickly you can lose air when that happens... But once it was due to slippery weather, and the other time I was just learning to drive...good excuses I guess. Enjoyed my visit to your blog, my daughter is looking for something to put her hairbow collection on and this is gorgeous!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

tatertot374 said...

I posted on your Tales from the Trench part 2. Glad you are okay and it was just a tire.
thank you

Karen Coutu said...

I found this post under the label "Silly" . . .

It looked like a fun time was had by all and I love the photo of all the cousins piled in the snow!

Thanks for the great giveaway! When you have your store set up, let me know if you need help promoting it. I try to help new mommy businesses when I can.


Unknown said...

i really liked your sock drawer. mine is just a big basket at the bottom of the closet. i'm thinking if i used a bigger drawer i could use little baskets like you did. i also put my socks together like you do. how else do they stay together? and the elastic seems to hold up just fine to me!

lfhpueblo said...

I wish I could have been with you on your trip to visit the Ohio Amish Community Last Year in November. I haven't been on a vacation since I was 16. Always seems when the money gets saved up, something happens and it needs to go for that. Same thing with the honeymoon, never had one. Ahh well, life goes on in spite of the little set backs. I love the purple patterned material and purple bows you used/made for this great project of yours. Too many bows everywhere when they are not all in her hair. Love to win. Count us in. Good luck to all. P.S. hope you can get your shop up after all the new Children Safety rules are going to zap many small businesses out of existence through the costly testing/certifications needed to say everything is child safe for ages 13 and under.

Unknown said...

I liked reading about your day in Amish country. How I would LOVE to visit an Amish community...someday! :)

elizardbreath8 at yahoo dot com

~ Doreen said...

The organizer is great! I liked the posted titled "Double Play Dates and the Big Purges" - how that whole disinfection part sounds just like me. When visiting my parents recently my Mom got sick, and after she was quarantined in her bedroom sleeping I went through their house cleaning, disinfecting, opening windows and generally obsessing about germs.

Miranda Ward said...

I love that I could keep track of these bows i got for two little girls.. You amish story was great

AmeliaB said...

Our family has adopted and the Mamma Roo story book post was so special!

Anonymous said...

I think adoption is great. I would love it if my husband would agree to it.

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

The Goodbye, Little Gym post was really cute. It's something I'd love to do with my daughter when she gets older, but I'd never thought about when the time would come to leave it behind.

The Savvy Mama said...

I love how you shared K's adoption story ~ and the adorable picture of her in the baby hospital bed! :)


Michelle@Life with Three said...

I read your post about visiting the Amish country. I'm so jealous that you got four loaves of homemade bread for $1.29 each. That's fantastic. I wish we had something like that close by.

Anonymous said...

Some clarification and other random things is the blog bone I dug up. It's strange because today I was watching the episode of John and Kate plus 8 when she said she had done a tour and speeches. It was ironic that I seen that today and then you got to experience her show. Thanks,

mamaredhead said...

Guess Where We Went Today made me laugh! That movie is my sister-in-law's absolute favorite movie and when it's on during the holidays back-to-back, she'll watch it over and over!

mamaredhead at gmail dot com

mrstolli said...

I love that you do Operation Christmas child with your family. I took my little girl shopping to pick stuff out for ours and she loved it! I picked out her age range so we could find things she liked to put in the box.

Sarah said...

Loved the letter to your daughter from Inauguration Day. I'm sure she'll enjoy reading it when she's older.

c allen said...

on eating snow, is it safe?
we live in n. texas and only get snow once a year. i don't think that that little would hurt anyone.. do you? thanks for the giveaway!

Donna M. Clark said...

It's a Hair Chilly Up Here
I like the idea of making the foam snowmen indoors. We had a week of colder than cold as well. It hit -39 outside at one time. I would like to win this Bow-B, as well.

The Domestic Diva Wanna-Be said...

I looked through your blog labels to find an topic that caught my attention and "ewwww" got me. LOL

Which led me to this post:
about Amish Friendship Bread.

The first time I even heard of Amish Friendship Bread I was given a cooked loaf. It was AMAZING! Then my sister gave me a starter and I was like OMGGGGGGGGGGG! But I held strong and fed it and watched for "ewwwiness" and it turned out yummy.

So my thoughts are be careful. I also read the article you posted about it which made a lot of sense.

I also read your 100 things post. I am doing a 2009 things about myself in 2009 thing on my blog because my hubby doesn't think I can come up with that many things to say by December 31st.

I also don't paint my nails but I always paint my toenails, LOL.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Amy L. said...

Friendship Bread: Safe Stuff or Ick?
Friendship Bread starter is sitting out on the community counter at work. Apparently, some of my 50 some permanent and seasonal co-workers have adopted this fermented baggie of goo as a project. I couldn't help but thinking aloud with a co-worker-- is this stuff safe? I have refrigeration and food keeping issues, so something hanging out on the counter for God knows how long being squished, smooshed, added to and divided a million times over frankly just flat out grosses me out. Completely. So I told her that I would go digging. I was curious. She was, too. So I found this article. It seemed to take me where I needed to go with the Friendship Bread thing.

Mmm.. I would like some homeade bread, but I don't know about this "goo". You have an interesting daily like, don't you?

Anonymous said...

I just saw the comments on your accident. How scary! Thank goodness you are both okay. Yikes. Gives me chills..


Melissa said...

The bow organizer looks great. My 2 year old has WAY too many hairbows all stuffed in a basket. LOL

I noticed on your list of 100 things that you are just a bit over 5 feet - I'm right at 5 feet so I understand the being the shortest person in the class thing!


Erica G said...

I only had one resolution this year, you have 10! It is hard enough to keep up with one!

babychooch (at) gmail {dot} com

Angie(quillysilly) said...

I wonder if this would work for headbands. Dang....we've got a ton of those and no good way to store them!!

Your Happy Birthday Honey post warmed me! I too am always using up the hot water and poor hubby takes the cold shower!!


Mackinac-opoly said...

I would love to have this. My daughter is running out of room on her hairbow holder. I read your 100 things list. It was very interesting. I can't believe you came up with 100 things :-)

Thanks for the opportunity,

Lymeade Lady said...

I was impressed with daughter's lil gym accomplishments. I've been one to wait for older age to start activities, but was really impressed with all the things I saw your dd do in the pics. cool! And the hair bow thing is SO cool!

jennifer57 said...

I love the hair bow organizer. My daughter could sure use it!

Read your post about your accident. Good to hear your daughter & you wern't hurt.

Anonymous said...

I commented on your post on Oct. 31,2008 called "The Giveaway Winner and random questions answered"
I love your #16, about taking baths and how standing sucks. HIllarious but true!
Happy Day!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

Congrats on the 100th post! My daughter would love the bow holder in her room.

Chelsea said...

The Dairy Queen post. Gross. I don't know why I'm drawn to those sort of stories, because they always gross me out, but they're so interesting!
cac331 at yahoo dot com

Jenn said...

I love the book that you "read" to everyone for your daughter's Home Day. I hope to adopt one day.

Your bow holder is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

This is so cute! I'm going to post on another of your posts now. Thanks for entering mine also :)

Shalyse said...

On your "We had 'snow' much fun" blog entry, you talked about how much fun everyone had building things in the snow. I thought it was rather inventive and awesome to use a laundry basket to make blocks for an igloo.

Anonymous said...

I read through your 100 things about yourself. Everything from loving the smell of playdough (do)(smile) to how many cars you've had! I am going to make that list for myself. Just long did it take to think of all those delightful 'yous'? Good luck with your new venture...just when so many are having to throw in the towel. That law is a tough one. Causes me sadness to think of all the creative things we are going to miss out on!

Carli said...

I would love this adorable bow organizer. WOrk for me Wednesday's are cool too!

Valorie said...

Our 1008 Square Feet Overfloweth - This post caught my attention, I could definitely relate! Ever since Christmas my neat and tidy house has been a minefield of blocks, tea cups, fake food, and turtles (baby girl LOVES turtles :P)

Estela said...

The letter you wrote regarding the CSPIA regulation was heartfelt, moving, and had professionally stated valid points.
I hope you're able to continue making these bow organizers!

Chantelle said...

your adoption story is so heartwarming :) What a great prize! Thanks for sharing.
chantellesabino at mac dot com