Friday, December 10, 2010

The lunch time drama returns.

Earlier in the year, K- was being bullied by a particular child over some things in her lunch.  We haven't had an incidents in quite some time.

Well, turn the calendar a few pages, move a few squares over and you have today.

Earlier in the week, I stopped by the bread store just up the street.  It is a Hostess/Wonder outlet and they had some boxes of the 100 calorie snack cakes on sale for $1.00 a box.  I thought that they would be a nice treat for K- to have.  The same student who was bullying her for the dehydrated marshmallows in September was now begging her for some of her snack cakes.  K- told her no and she continued to beg.  K- didn't give her any and that particular child announced that K- was no longer her friend.  Then, she decided to try to talk the little girl next to K- into not being her friend.  Her friend didn't bite, but still. 


K- had talked to me a couple of days ago about this particular child.  She told me, "You know, Mommy, I have something to tell you but please don't say anything to --- ."  "What's that?"  "You know, --- can be mean sometimes."  "Yes, I know."

We talked about knowing that was an issue today and I have to laugh.  When the lunch bully told K- about not being friends with her anymore, K- said, "That's okay, I don't mind."

Good for her!

Smiles in my day:
-  This week, K- aced her math, spelling and vocabulary tests.  That is a very good thing.
-  I got my table all set up for the Christmas Tea.  It only took a couple of trips to actually remember everything. 
-  Speaking of, Hubs hauled my heavy tubs up from the basement and loaded them into the car for me and I didn't even ask!  He got out of bed this morning to do it and went back to sleep for a while.  I thought that it was very thoughtful!
-  We have a big winter storm coming! 

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Rach said...

Oh good grief. Seriously? She's after K again? I LOVE, no, ADORE K's response to her. LOL!! :o)