Friday, April 12, 2013

The back that fights me.

I don't know if it is the switch of the weather, but I had this same problem this same exact time of year last spring.

My back is working on going out.

Last year, it was a 2" dip (yes, 2 inches) into K's closet to get something that threw it out.  I have tried twisting, twirling and rocking back and forth like an egg. I smell of Icy Hot.  I've taken Advil.

I feel 80.

Because the theme of life around here is not to stop, I must press on and make a frame for a church auction.  When is it due?  Like any good artist I know, I've kept up the tradition-- it's due today.

I have my mom and grandpa to thank for the back.  My sister has it, too.

:Elvis lip snicker:

Ouch.   The good news is that this should be over in a week.  Hopefully.

1 comment:

Rach said...

Seriously? Again?!? Oh crap. I'm so sorry. :o(

I hear ya on the deadline...;o)