Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Easter Egg Hunt

You have to get into all of those cooks and nannies to get all of the eggs that the kids passed by on the first trip.
And my girl, she felt bad that there were kids with no eggs, so she shared some of the small lot that she got.  Here she is "skinning" her eggs.  She got some good chocolate loot and even shared it with me.  :)  

Any egg hunt news out your way?  We had 2500 eggs and had to have 500 kids show up.  It was our biggest attendance for our church ever!


Rach said...

Our church's egg hunt was washed out today. :o(

Instead, the EB littered our downstairs with eggs. ;o)

Bailey's Leaf said...

So beautiful that we had sunshine, flip-flops, leggins that were, er, a little short so we folded them up a lil more, short sleeves, egg collection buckets, bicycles, climbing ropes, rakes, leaves, a borrowed trash can since I over filled ours and friends to play. A great day it was!