Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Mom, being a PTA member IS a job."

No kidding.  (My child really did say that to me yesterday when discussing a mom from her class.) 

For the next two days, I'll be eating, breathing and sleeping the Scholastic Book Fair.  Why?  Because I love my friend Kay and when she does get that house built and leaves our land of lovely city public schoolness, she's handing the book fair baton on to me. 

You see, I remember walking through the book fairs when I was a kid.  I remember once, just once, being able to buy something.  I remember that it was a book about free stuff that you could send away for.  Of course, I never considered that we wouldn't have the money for the stamps to get all the free loot that I dreamed of.  I still loved that book.

Whenever K- had a teacher that took part in the Scholastic monthly book fliers (her 2nd grade teacher does not), I always allowed her to pick a book.  I recall that was something we could never do.  Oh, it's not that Mom didn't want to.  We just didn't have the money and certainly not the money for 4 kids to get a book from the book flier or the book fair. 

So, I throw myself into books.  K- has quite an extensive bookshelf.  We started collecting books for our child back when our child wasn't even born.  We used to go to the Goodwill store that was just down the plaza from where we went for our foster parenting classes.  We also added to that collection at yard sales and thrift stores.  When K- arrived, she had full shelves and she couldn't even read!

We could though.

So for the next two days, I'll be knee deep in paper cuts.  That's okay.  I'm slogging through good books for a good cause.  That and my child has a hankerin' to add to her Magic Tree House collection. 

Have a great rest of your week.  Go.  Read!


Rach said...

I'm very good about not buying my children toys except for birthdays and Christmas. However, I have this thing about books--I can't help it and will get them just because. I mean, they're *books* after all. ;o)

Good luck with the book fair--may the cash register work without any difficulties. :oP

Bailey's Leaf said...

You remember my need to hand ring everything about a year ago, eh? Hopefully, all will go well. The principal lost his voice, so he had ME do the all call recording for tonight. It's all good, though.