Saturday, December 3, 2011

Something that just made me smile.

My husband is in the living room doing Just Dance Kids with K-.  The funniest thing is that right now I heard him say, "Oh!  I won!"

Hubs and K- have had a great Happy Daddy Day together.  This weekend, we're winding down Hubs' vacation.  It wasn't really a vacation, as he was busy slaving away in the house.  He and K- played Star Wars, video games and watched movies.  They went to Santa Shop and Winter Wonderland together, while I did the PTA mama thing.  Hub took K- to Lowe's so that she could build the caboose of the three part train.

How lucky I am that I have such an involved husband and father.  Something I'm more grateful for than most people know.


Rach said...

This made me smile. I have a good one too. We're blessed ladies, that's for sure. :o)

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Yes you are lucky :) I feel blessed too.
I'd love to see him doing "Just Dance";)