Thursday, October 20, 2011

What if there was a big cat roaming through your 'hood?

The exotic animals that were let loose was probably about an hour and a half south of my house.  By other reading that I've done, Ohio seems to be a bit lax on the exotic animal owners.  It's several times a year that we have some type of incident.  Last year, a handler was mauled to death by a bear that he worked with daily. 

My thoughts?  Probably not popular with everyone, but I understand why they handled it the way that they did.  Do I wish that they could trap and hand deliver the animals to a place like The Wilds?  Absolutely.  The Wilds is a gorgeous place and they aren't that far from where the exotic animals were released from.  Click here for map. (For reference-- Zanesville is where this happened and Cumberland is where The Wilds is.)

My husband said that they talked about this at work.  He agreed with what they did and so does Jack Hanna.  The animals were released, it was dark, the cages were disabled so that they couldn't be used again, tranquilizers would work for a short time, but couldn't guarantee that they would have enough time to keep the animal down so that they could find them before they awoke.  The man didn't leave a note, so they don't know if this is what he considered a last act of kindness or one final stick-it-to-'em.  (Our thoughts are for the latter.)

Sadly, many animals died.  They shouldn't have.  If only the owner would have surrendered them. 

Thoughts?  I know that I'm opening up a can of worms, so please know that I appreciate every comment.  I don't mind if you don't agree.  I don't mind if you leave me a longity leggity comment.  Just keep it family friendly and constructive, please.

ETA:  This article was on Yahoo this evening.   There is also this petition to outlaw exotics in Ohio.

1 comment:

Rach said...

My heart broke. I just did. This was so awful. :o(