Sunday, October 16, 2011

By George, I think we've got it.

As many of you know, we've left our home church and have been church shopping.  Apparently, we are a try just a few churches and settle in kind of people.  We tried the Episcopalian church with the neighbors.  We tried the Southern Baptist church with friends.  Now, we cruised on to the Methodist church at the suggestion of K-'s school librarian.

We think we've found a church home.

Now, my good friend Rachael said all along that she thought that the UMC would be a good fit for us.  The people were warm.  Everyone was themselves.  They took us in, talked our ears off, the sermon was related to real life and so was Sunday School. 

We left with the biggest sigh of relief.

I can't recall at what point I made the comment that being in that church service brought tears to my eyes, but Hubs agreed. 

We went downstairs to retrieve K- from her services and I laughed at her teacher.  "K- just blended right on in and we didn't even know that she hadn't been here prior to us taking attendance."  It was then that I told them that she is a churched kid.  We talked about having left our church home, being "church homeless," which was certainly a 4 year consideration of prayer and discussion, and now we are here. 

We love that we are amongst people full of flaws and that is okay.  I love that they grabbed us up, K- was blended right on in with a 4-child family from school (at one point, I had no idea where she had gone), and people were glad that we were there. 

:deep breath:

It's a good thing. 


Rach said...

I cannot begin to tell you how happy this post made me. Isn't it good to feel at home? :o)

Norma said...

Hope you find "home."

Sissy said...

Glad you found somewhere that feels like home!