Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The back to school crabbies.

I love K- dearly.  She's generally a pretty happy kid.  She can be a whiner when she wants something (we're working on breaking that), but generally a pretty delightful kid.

Insert the return to school.

She loves school.  She loves learning.  The child thrives on structure.  She is a strict rule follower and delights in a job well done.  She fell off the schedule wagon during Christmas break, though. 

Oh, dear me.

She has gotten her whine on, has been overly consumed by the crabby appleskins and has regressed to the drop and flop again.  She's lost TV through Saturday and her DS yesterday.  She's also earned going to bed 15 minutes early the last few nights. 

I think that finally something clicked, because while this morning was starting out rough like the previous two, she pulled it around and it was all good.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

When she hits a growth spurt, she tends to fall apart.  She does this on the year and on the half.  Still, heaven help the nerves that I have left.  Geeze o' Pete.

If you have school-aged people in your house, how are they holding up?  (Preschool and home school do apply!) 

Smiles in my day:
-  Though my sleep wasn't so great last night, it was far better than the night before.  I suspect that I know the reason, which is just something that is going to have to wear out. 
-  Crock-pot dinner from last night.  Yum.  The Stonewall Kitchen Italian Dipping Oil was wonderful for searing the pork chops.  Delicious!
-  Fluffy, lightly falling snow. 

Have a great day!


Rach said...

Okay, happy stuffs first--HOORAY for fun snow. :o) I do miss that. I really do.

You know our house is quite routine ruled and driven. The minute the routine is off-kilter, so are the kiddos. The same hold true in a classroom. Your kids are always spot on if it's a "normal" day, but the minute you disrupt the routine (field trip, assembly, dress-down day), they fall off the deep end and it's a nightmare.

Our brains LOVE knowing what's coming next, we crave that stability and predictability. Think about how you are when your day gets thrown off somehow.

That said, our routine has been shot all to hockey sticks this week (and last, and the previous one, thank you Christmas break), and trying to get back in the swing of things has been a nightmare of gigantic proportions. UGH!!

Throw in one miserable baby, and we're STILL not back to our normal daily routine. And, trying to drag someone back into one is a nightmare in and of itself. I'm glad K is falling back in with the plan. Whew.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

J could not sleep at all Sunday night. He was "nervous" about going back to school. He kept saying "Schools too hard. It's no fun. I don't like it". He loves school so I know it's just because his schedule is all off.
Today he woke up saying his stomach hurts. He claims he got it from me (but mine is digestive issues and not catchy). I had to explain that if he missed school today he would have to miss cub scouts tomorrow and his stomach magically healed itself.
You are not alone my friend. It's the end of Christmas break blues.