Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tales from the Trenches: Living in a shovelable world.

I'm good with snow.  I'll take it in any amount.  The more, the better.  I'm thrilled with blizzards, Nor'easters, Pan Handle Hooks, Lake Effect snow-- it's all good.

Y'all, it's shovelable out there. 

K- and I walked to school today.  It took us a bit longer than I estimated.  (She was a few minutes late for breakfast, but not late for school.)   I used my gaiters for the very first time and needed a little instruction from Hubs on how to put them on.  (Initially, I had them on backwards and tucked into my shoes.)  They were wonderful!  They are perfect for walking K- to school.  It isn't a snow pants kind of situation, but I definitely need to keep my pants and shoes dry.  The LL Bean clearance rack comes to the rescue again!

People are complaining, though.  It's Ohio.  It is the weather here.  If you live in NE Ohio, you have to embrace snow. 

K- loves it.  She'll go outside and play, roll around and make a variety of snow things.  I was out much of the day on Sunday dealing with Grandma things and K- said that she was in and out all day.  Fantastic! 

So how much snow do we have so far?  Well, probably 6-8".  It is hard to measure since it is blowing and drifting.  I'm just eyeballing what accumulation we have on top of the swing beam on the swing set. 

Snow.  We've got it.  Apparently, we're getting a lot more.  It's all good.

Smiles in my day:
-  Though I have no window treatments in the bedroom, I do finally have woodwork around both windows, the paint was touched up and the little holes have been filled in from the time that Hubs put our windows in a little over 6 years ago. 
-  Giving a call to Grandma's pastor and speaking to him about the service that he is preparing.
-  K- reading the Advent Jesse Tree reading each evening to me/us.  She finds the ornament and hangs it, then reads to us.  Truly, there aren't many words that she doesn't know, so she can read through it pretty well.  Yes, I count it as a part of her 100 Book Challenge Reading.
-  Buddy hasn't lost his charm.  She still loves looking for her Elf. 

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Rach said...

Ah, Amy, you and I are two peas in a pod. I would LOVE to live in NE Ohio. This is my favorite time of year. I almost wept with joy when there was that pittance of snow in the 'burg this weekend. It's most likely more than I'll see all year here. :o(

It is indeed shovelable and oh such fun! So many folks feel the need to complain and kvetch and such and I don't get it. Yes, it's cold. Yes, it's wet. But seriously?? :shakes head: It's SNOW, for pete's sake! It's BEAUTIFUL!! And, fun! :o)

Wow! K's reading sure is coming along! We too have been doing our Jesse tree every day during school. We made a family tree yesterday so Lil could have a better understanding of what we were doing and why.

I bet Grandma's homegoing service is going to be so uplifting. I can't wait to hear about it! :o)