Saturday, September 11, 2010


The kitchen has a floor!  In the photo, you can see the wall and cabinet color, too.  I will have doors off and drawers out for a few weeks (I still have to paint those anyhow) because I want everything to fully cure.  No use in doing all that work and have it get all yucky.

The neighbors-- 3 strapping men-- came to help move the appliances back in place.  The stove was hand carried and the refrigerator was carefully rolled and gently dropped into place.  I don't know what we would have done without Don, Glenn and Mike!

This weekend, in all our spare time outside of church, soccer and my Festival Choir practice, plan on starting to lay the slate at the living room door entrance.  We're rolling with full sized tiles and not doing anything fancy, so that will be straightforward.  We're going with a 3' x 5' pad so that on the off chance we do use that door when it is wet out, there will be more than enough for soggy shoes to remain off the Pergo.

So for now, we have a functional kitchen.  Last evening, we had a hot meal of falafel with a side of wheat bulgar and toasted orzo.  It was nice to eat hot food from my own kitchen! 

The foamy tiles?  They serve as our dining area for now.  We each get a square and have an extra for condiments and so forth.  It's not a bad thing! 

It's coming along.  Hubs has now gone back to work and reports that he is much less busy there than at home.  He did an awesome job, though.  I'm excited to get the rest finished and out of the way!  I can't wait to get my house back!

1 comment:

Rach said...

It looks GORGEOUS!! :o)