Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tales from the Man Mall

Because we're ever so thankful for the man in our life, we decided to take Hubs to the Man Mall AKA Bass Pro Shops. Y'all, we got there at 11:45 AM and didn't leave until 4:25 PM. We sent Hubs off to shop with his gift certificates while we took advantage of the many, many workshops that they had.

1. K- painted a "Wiggle Fish."
2. K- learned how to shoot a BB gun and on her very first time of shooting anything, actually hit the target dead center. (No kidding!)
3. K- went to their casting center and did a bang up job. While she didn't get the rubber fish in the bucket, she did hit the furthest fish bucket that they had and actually set the rubber fish she cast right next to it. Not too bad!
4. K- and I attended a Fishing Workshop. The workshop leader, a teacher as I later found out, did a wonderful job of teaching the children different techniques of casting.
5. K- and I attended a Birdwatching Workshop. BPS is set up with taxidermy animals out and about, so they had birds that the children could find with the little binoculars that they had for them to use.
6. The shooting gallery was free, so we spent some quality time up there with Daddy.
7. K- and I attended a Plant and Insect Workshop. Here we learned about good bugs and bad bugs and the Emerald Ash Borer.
8. K- and I attended a Camping Workshop. This one, I admit that I knew everything that she was telling us. Oh, and Coleman must have given a handsome sum over, because they were mentioned no fewer than 12 times.

After each of the workshops, the children filled out a 2 question survey and earned a participation pin.

While we were there, we found Watch-A-Bug which K- just loved. Since we gave it a spin Sunday night, I can tell you that it works wonderfully!

Hooray that Bass Pro Shops works so hard to have activities for the family. Truly, we wouldn't have been able to spend the time that we had there had they not had a place to eat (twice) and activities. We left there with Hubs' head spinning from all the shopping! (And yes, he stayed well within his budget and even came home with some to spare.)

We rounded out our evening by having a fire, making popcorn and s'mores. We had a wonderful day together!

Smiles in my weekend:
- Listed above.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Rach said...

We have a men's mall here (okay just down the interstate a piece), but we've never been. I'm thinking we might just have to check it out now. :o)