Sunday, June 20, 2010

The man of our lives.


You know, this road to parenthood didn't come to us easily. My cousin and I were just talking the other day and she said, "He really loves you." "I know." "No, I mean he REALLY loves you."

What we were talking about was our loss of Bailey. It wasn't just the loss that you and I experienced, but one that the whole family and our friends experienced as well. Still, how many men would have left their wives if they found out that their wife couldn't provide a child by birth to them?

It seems like a weird thing to bring up for Father's Day, but you hung in there with me. You nursed me back to health, giving me shots every day for a few weeks. When I was in the hospital, you only stayed home overnight once. Every night, you snuggled into my little hospital bed next to me and read the bible to me.

You hugged me.

You cried with me.

We walked the road to adoption together. We always knew it was something that we wanted to do. All of it was done together. All of our decisions were made together.

Then our call came. We were parents to a beautiful little no-name girl (I forgot to ask when the home finder called!) You took a few weeks off to hang out at home with us.

You have been involved with everything with K- since day one.

You diapered.

You fed.

You watched.

You read.

You nurtured.

K- has been so blessed to have an incredibly involved father in her life. You have taken her on wonderful "Happy Daddy Day" trips to all kinds of places. Those day trips have taken you to New York, Pennsylvania and West Virgina, as well as around Ohio. The tales you could tell of your trips could fill volumes.

How blessed I have been to have you as my partner in parenting. We've done it together and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Thank you for being my husband. Thank you for being a wonderful father to our daughter.




Rach said...


Happy belated Father's Day to Hubs. :o)

Michelle said...

what a beautiful tribute to your hubby!