Saturday, March 6, 2010

For the first time in four years

My brother has a job. He called so excited last night. I was on my way back from having dropped his kids off to visit with him for the weekend.

"Are you sitting?"

"I'm still driving. I was caught in traffic, so yes."

"I got a job!"

He was so excited, but in typical Billy fashion, he had him self a little wound up. It is to be expected. Over the last 4 years, he has battled her*oin/coc*aine and ox*ycontin addiction, along side Bipolar depression. He is divorcing his wife, has moved a few times and has just been trying to pull himself around, handle his financial obligations and to be a good dad.

I'm so happy for him. He got the call asking him to show up for work this morning at 7:30 AM. It was God's work in many ways. First, in getting the job, but in letting him know at probably the latest possible time they could. Less time is less time for my brother to freak out.

Please consider praying for him and his nerves. What a great lift for my brother, though.



ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Yay for Billy!! I'm praying that he continues on this path and that God watches out for him :)

Nina Diane said...

that is great! I know how these things are huge causes for celebration. Right after my SIL passed away, the family came to find my nephew had hit rock bottom...alcohol and drug addiction, close to death's door. We put him in rehab where he stayed and lived for 9 months. He started coming home on the weekends and staying with us. He found God....something he knew nothing about. He is now 3 years clean and sober, married, great job and expecting his first child in September. We thank God for his greatness every day. I will hold your family in prayer....such awesome news for all of you!

Bailey's Leaf said...

Nina Diane,

Thank you so much for sharing your story. Folks need to know that while drug addiction is horrible, it can be overcome and good things can come from their life. God is good! :)

What wonderful news about your nephew!

Thank you so much for your prayers!

Rach said...

TOTALLY praying for Billy!! That is the most WONDERFUL news! :o)

Michelle said...

congrats to your brother! praying that all is going well with his new job!