Monday, June 23, 2014

The rummage sale report.

$4,231.  That is the amount we made from selling all of those miscellaneous items that came from homes, garages, basements and more.  That's a lot of money to go toward the building loan tab was what we made from discards.

That, my friends, is the Lord at work.

Doug, spouse of previous rummage coordinator, told me that one of the church ladies told him how pleased she was with the job that I did.  "Amy, understand that from  - - - that is high praise."  "She told me that and I kind of gathered that."  She's not one to praise, so when she does you take it and thank.

Incidentally, she keeps hugging me.  She is a past president of the PTA that I just stepped down as president of.  I think that was a big in for me.  I had a number of the older folks, including the previous principal of K's school, tell me that they really appreciated that I let them do their own thing.  "Dr. G, it isn't something for me to micromanage.  It wasn't something that I needed to build and it wasn't something that was broken.  Everyone knew what they always did and I just supported them in continuing their good work."  "That hasn't always been the case."  "I know."

There were several occasions when I had ladies come, introduce themselves to me and ask what I wanted them to do.  "Pat, what is it that you've always done?"  "Clothing."  "Then Pat, go ahead and do what you always do."  She looked at me so relieved.  If they feel comfortable and have a way of organization and flow, who am I to "fix" their system?

Next year will be even better.  I've earned trust.  People know who we are now.  (K, me and Hubs.)  We have two services, but we only attend one.  Between seeing K and me in front of the church now twice in the last month and Hubs come to break down and haul sale leftovers, we are now recognizable faces.

It stunned me.  K offered to come up with me.  On Sunday, the church was packed!  She wanted to announce how much we made from the sale and how much the youth had made from their concession sales.  She did a great job!  I support her in her want to speak before a crowd of people.  Not everyone is comfortable with that and if she can do that at the age of 10, hopefully that will stick with her.  I was always scared to death.  It wasn't until my parents had me participate in a few pageants (not like T&T) did I develop an ability to speak to people that I don't know and to talk in front of a crowd.  Speaking to crowds is still not my absolute favorite thing, but at least it doesn't paralyze me in fear anymore.

So there we go.  We were successful and the rummage sale volunteers want me back.  I have no problem with that.  It also helps to teach my daughter how to serve and that sometimes serving is hard work, not always the cleanest of things and how to work with people with different personalities.

1 comment:

Rach said...

It's over. Hallelujah!

I'm so happy you all did so well, and so proud of K for her comfort in standing in front of everyone to report. :o)

And, am I reading right that you're planning on doing this again *next* year?!???